April 14, 2010

Been there, tried all... FROM comedones TO pimples(zits)

Everybody go through their ups and downs in life. There are definitely times when you feel extremely happy, and there are definitely times when you feel life sucks. And yes, why am i even discussing about this now? Reason being- most of the time, when you feel beautiful, you feel happy. AND WHEN YOU FEEL UGLY, you feel that life sucks. Never can we deny that every individuals feel confident when YOU KNOW, you look good.

Acne can be the most irritating thing that can happen to anyone of us here. And listen up- YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE out there who is having, had or might have acne. But then again, there is no doubt that there are some lucky dudes out there who never had, and will never have acne in their entire life.

People who have acne often ponder- WHY? WHY ME??? I WISH I COULD GET RID OF MY ACNE and have clear skin!
When they see people with clear and smooth skin, they secretly admire and wish they have the same luck. What I want to tell these people here is- IT MIGHT NOT BE THE END OF THE WORLD!

I've been through my bad times before as well. Probably just like anyone of you reading this blog now, I know exactly how you feel. I've always had clear and smooth skin, until I reach my mid twenties. And of course, I was totally new to acne when I first had my breakout. I was shocked and do not know what happened. I loved outdoor activities, and did tons of sea sports. I started diving and one fine day, i looked into the mirror and got a shock. I saw white little bumps on my face which I've never seen before. I did the biggest mistake in my life that i have totally regretted, till today. I went to buy a comedone remover and head back home to SQUEEZE them out! Needless to say, it got worse eventually and spreaded. the small white bumps(comedones) all turned into angry zits with pus and spreaded. Well, I wasn't trained in beauty yet at that point of time, so I did not know the "art of squeezing".

if you realised that comedones are forming on your face, DO NOT EVER SQUEEZE THEM. Usually, they will go away eventually. Especially if you are still young, unless like what i had said earlier that you are one of those lucky ones, else it is extremely normal for white little bumps(comedones) to form. Why? Because younger skin usually secrete more oil, especially the T-zone area. As you grow older, your skin will produce lesser oil and thus, this problem will eventually go away. The comedones will usually disappear by themselves.

If your case is similar to mine, in which comedones only start to appear during your late twenties, you might either wish to consult a beauty therapist whom you can trust to extract them out for you. Reason being, the cause of your comedone is most probably due to hormonal change. AND DO REMEMBER THIS- DON'T EVER SQUEEZE THEM BY YOURSELF. Leave it to the professionals. They are trained professionally to extract these comedones from the RIGHT ANGLE. And they will be able to see clearer whether or not there is any pore opening for them to squeeze those bacteria out. If there isn't, then it is usually better for the therapist to leave them as it is, rather than to aggrevate them. In fact, each individual pore opening on your skin points to different directions. It is thus very important for you to hold the comedone remover according to the direction of the pore opening before squeezing the bacteria out.

To read and understand more on how to get rid of comedones and acne, do follow me on Hairloom's blog!

The Hairloomers...

1 comment:

  1. This is very practical advice, not only will all of these points help to keep your skin younger and healthier, they will also go a long way to prevent acne outbreaks in acne sufferers, and help clear up existing spots.
